'Borderlands 3' release date news: Scooter finally starts a family?

"Borderlands 3" will be big for Scooter.Steam/Telltale Games/Gearbox Software

One staple "Borderlands" character is taking a big step forward in his life come "Borderlands 3." Although developer Gearbox Software is just in the brainstorming phase at the moment, they already have some ideas they want to see play out the game.

Gearbox chief creative champion Mikey Neumann, who also provided the voice of the hopeless romantic mechanic with the southern accent Scooter, recently hinted that the character's son might be included.

Neumann said that he tweaked the character a bit to somehow make a mini version of Scooter, one that can be seen as the character's son. Neumann even called him Scooper.

"I did this whole Scooter thing, then I pitch-shifted it up like seven semitones so it sounds like a chipmunk and it was the funniest thing I'd ever heard," he quipped in an interview with Eurogamer.

He emphasized that he was merely having fun with the character and that they haven't figured out what to do in "Borderlands 3" although he does want to make little Scooper officially part of the story.

If this were to pan out, and Neumann appears he would want it too, "Borderlands 3" might either see younger heroes at front and center or the addition of Scooper will just be a way to move forward with Scooter and the others' stories.

Right now, Gearbox Software is putting together a story for "Borderlands 3." The developer hasn't even settled on a name for the game yet, but hinted that it won't be called the way it is being called now.

Media outlets hope that humor (the wackiness of it has become a trademark in the game series) will be intact in "Borderlands 3" and that more characters will join the fold.

As for concrete details about the game, Gearbox said that it will sprinkle some "Borderlands 3" details in upcoming DLC of "Battleborn," a newly released game developed by the company.