Brandon Howard is not Michael Jackson's biological son: DNA results are bogus

File photo dated 05/03/2009 of Michael Jackson, who has died after suffering a suspected heart attack. Paramedics were called to the 50-year-old singer's Holmby Hills home in Los Angeles and he was taken to the UCLA medical centre.PA

A 31-year-old man named Brandon Howard is alleged to be the secret biological son of King of Pop Michael Jackson.

The results of the purported DNA evidence was live-streamed during a press conference Thursday organized by shipping heir Aiki David on The paternity test results reportedly showed that there is 99.999 perecent that Howard is the biological son of Jackson.

Brandon was not present at the press conference, in which the results were revealed by a Beverly Hills dental surgeon, who claimed to have a dental device worn by the late singer.

"This is the only living son of the late Michael Jackson that is known to exist," said a panelist.

However, the paternity results are said to be bogus, according to a photo of the so-called DNA results obtained by TMZ.

The photo of the results show the DNA lab logo, which turns out to have been used in the 'Terminator' movie.

Jackson's estate lawyer Howard Weitzman told Daily News: "It sounds like a fraud to me."

Brandon Howard's mother, Miki Howard, was represented by Michael Jackson's father Joe Jackson back in the early 1980s.

There have long been rumors that the King of Pop fathered Brandon. His mother Miki was reportedly known as "Billy" back then, and ironically, the song Bille Jean in which Michael Jackson sings "the kid is not my son" was released just after he Brandon was born.

Brandon Howard himself said he had nothing to do with the press conference yesterday. He said in a Facebook video: "I've never self-proclaimed to be Michael Jackson's son. I'm definitely not suing the estate. I'm taken care of very well. And also, I make my own cash, OK?"