Brian Houston, Hillsong pastor and founder, reflects on God's unlimited love

God can lead us on Meiying Ng/Unsplash

 Through the name of Jesus, we have the same access to God's power that his disciples in the Bible had. Tragically, many times we live in the limita-tions of our name rather than in the freedom we have through the name above all names. We settle for less and assume we've reached our limits, that the best days of our lives are already behind us. We struggle to believe that the best is truly yet to come.

And if we live only according to the name we're given or the name we choose for ourselves, then we face insurmountable limitations. Even if we're a famous celebrity, a notorious public figure, or royalty, we still have the limitations of our humanity. Simply put, it doesn't matter who we are or what our name may be – we're still limited. Only one name elevates us beyond the limitations into which we're born. It's the name that can cause us to go where we've never gone; to do what we've never done or even imagined ourselves capable of doing. It's a name equally personal as it is powerful, as intimate as it is universal, both exclu- sive in being the only way to God and yet totally inclusive in its invitation to all people, both Jew and Gentile, male and female, slave and master.

The name of Jesus can unleash power in your life unlike anything you've ever experienced. It can open doors, close wounds, and reveal a path across the waters of a wind-tossed sea. His name allows us to burst beyond the limitations of our own names and our own abilities.

The hope we have in the name of Jesus is an anchor for our souls, a bridge both sure and steadfast uniting heaven and earth. Our relationship with Jesus takes us straight out of this natural world and directly into the eternal realm of the presence of God. If we genuinely believe that his name is higher, that his word is greater, and that his power makes all things possible, then our anchor will keep us secure no matter how much the storms of life rage around us.

Live, Love, Lead, by Brian Houston

Today's Thought

When you face disappointment and discouragement, when you wonder if your best is yet to come, call on the name of Jesus and trust in his promise to be with you always. When you trust in the Name above all names, your future is truly unlimited.

Today's Prayer

Dear Jesus, my trust rests in you and you alone. Forgive me for those times when I momentarily lose my way and pursue sinful idols and dangerous addictions. Thank you for restoring my soul and granting me mercy. May I always cherish the name of Jesus. Amen.

Brian Houston, with his wife Bobbie, are the Founders and Senior Pastors of Hills Christian Life Centre in Sydney, Australia. With a congregation of 5,000, this is one of the world's most vibrant and influential churches and home of Hillsong United, the internationally-renowned music and worship ministry. In this extract from his newly republished bestseller Live, Love, Lead, a ninety-day devotional that, with practical tools and inspiring teaching, will help you identify your unique gifts and reenergise your faith, he shares his transformative approach to the Christian life.

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