Brian McLaren to Address Malaysians on Modern Challenges to the Church

MALAYSIA - Influential speaker, author and pastor, Brian McLaren will be one of the speakers at an upcoming event organised by emergentMalaysia, Friends in Conversation: A Quiet Revolution of Hope, from March 3 - 4 at Christian Life Gospel Centre, Petaling Jaya, Malaysia.

Brian D. McLaren, who was recognized as one of "25 Most Influential Evangelicals in America" by Time magazine, and other conversation partners will speak on challenges and opportunities facing the 21st century Church. They will focus on four different areas: gospel, church, discipleship and world.

The coordinator of emergentMalaysia, Rev. Sivin Kit highlighted the importance of the event as shaping a "model" for other Christians interested in engaging in such conversations, as well as to promote unity in Christianity, both locally and globally.

"We do not see this [event] as a conference... to promote a programme or a quick-fix or one size-fit-all solution for the problems before us. For us, we just want to create a space and opportunity for people to talk and to listen, and also connect with those exploring similar concerns," Rev. Sivin, who is also the pastor of Bangsar Lutheran Church, told Christian Today.

"emergentMalaysia also wants to create the possibilities of moving forward, which is the heart of the whole idea...," Rev. Sivin added.

Speaking about the title, "A Quiet Revolution of Hope", Rev. Sivin explained the conversation was based on relationships of conversation partners - friendships and networks, which are not "forcing their way" to deliver the message or their proposals, but instead relaying it in a "gentle" manner which is in response to God's initiative in our respective contexts.

emergentMalaysia is a group of friends and followers of Jesus who are committed to one another, and to creating space for conversations in Malaysia and beyond. Topics of conversations are commonly issues on gospel, theology, church, discipleship, and engagement with the world.

For more information on Friends in Conversations and emergent Malaysia, please visit