Britain Requests Flood Compensation from EU

Britain is to seek assistance from the European Union to help cover the multi-billion dollar cost of the country's destructive flooding in June and July, the government said on Wednesday.

The minister in charge of handling the flood crisis, John Healey, said Britain would apply for assistance from the EU's Solidarity Fund, which was set up in 2002 to help member states deal with the uninsurable costs of natural disasters.

Depending on the final cost of the flood damage, Britain said it could expect to get between 62.5 million pounds ($125 million) and 125 million pounds from the Solidarity Fund, if its application was approved.

Insurance assessors have estimated that the floods, which struck the north of England in June and the west Midlands and central regions in July, could cost up to 3 billion pounds.

"We've had constructive official-level discussions with the European Commission in which they've indicated that we can make a single application covering both the June and July floods," Healey said.

"The final decision will rest with the Commission but we will make the strongest possible case."

If the application is approved, it could take up to 12 months for the funds to be released.

The announcement follows criticism that the government did not act quickly enough in the wake of the floods to apply for aid.

The EU's Solidarity Fund has provided support to many EU countries in the past and even granted assistance to the United States in 2005 after Hurricane Katrina.

The opposition Conservative party was critical of the delay even though the total cost of the floods has not yet been finalised and it will take many months to get funds if they are agreed.

"It's a shame it has taken them so long," said Peter Ainsworth, the Conservative spokesman on the environment.

"People have been suffering the aftermaths of this summer's floods for well over a month now and we asked for the government to apply to the fund at the beginning of July."