British Christians Called to Pray for Congo

|TOP|The Vice President of D R Congo has called on British Christians to pray for the country in a meeting with BMS World Mission’s Regional Secretary for Africa, as Congo prepares for crucial elections.

In the meeting, Vice President Azarias Ruberwa appealed to British Christians to pray for the upcoming elections in Congo to take place peacefully as well as for the ‘right people’, particularly Christians, to be elected, said a BMS press release.

BMS’ Rev. Andrew North met with the Vice President of Congo, a Baptist Christian, at his invitation along with Rev. Dr. Andre Bokundoa, General Secretary of BMS partner, the Baptist Community of the River Congo (CBFC) and pastor Maurice Mondengo.

"The Vice President introduced himself and told us something of his own background and life as a Christian," said Rev. North. "He then asked that I, as the visitor to the country, would lead prayer for the situation in Congo, which I counted as a great privilege."

|QUOTE|In the hour-long meeting, covered by the Congolese national media, Vice President Reberwa also asked that British Christians pray for the country’s unity, economic growth and good governance.

“He asked that we pray that the economy in Congo would be built up and that the government would address some of the fundamental issues of corruption and mismanagement that can ensnare governments," said Rev. North.

The Congolese Vice President also appealed to British churches to “make the period of Congo's elections (between April and June) a time to join with the people of Congo and pray for unity and peace,” said Rev. North.

Mr Ruberwa asked for British Christians to pray that “the right people are elected, particularly Christians who will stand for biblical principles in government and be shaped by what they read and believe in Scripture as the way forward."

He also appealed for UK Baptists to encourage the British government to do everything it could to guarantee a peaceful election leading to the establishment of a permanent peace and the provision of basic necessities to all.

“There is much prayer needed for the country of D R Congo at this time, primarily peace,” said Rev. North.

BMS World Mission has been working to spread the Gospel along the Congo River for more than 120 years.