British Council and Youth Sports Trust Experience South Africa with Students

The British Council and the Youth Sports Trust recently took representatives from the Hertford and Ware House Sports Partnership and The Sele School to South Africa, as part of the "Dreams and Teams" initiative.

The Young Ambassador Programme was launched in the UK in 2006, and involves the selection of student ambassadors from school sports partnerships across England.

While in South Africa, three teenage ambassadors - Sam Brunton, 16, Emma Nicholson, 17, (Richard Hale School) and Charlotte Davies, 16 - were accompanied by link teacher Jessica Wall, Sele School headteacher Nicholas Binder and School Sports Partnership representative Annie Thomas, visited Sele's partner school in the Northern Cape.

The Sele School has partnered with Garies High School in South Africa, as part of a British Council and Youth Sport Trust initiative to promote sport and cultural exchange between South Africa and the UK.

Students at Garies had organised a special assembly on the first day, showcasing both the traditional and modern dancing talents of the students, and also a presentation in memory of those who have died of HIV and AIDS.

Later in the day, the UK delegates were invited to watch and take part in a sports festival organised by the Garies students, in which the ambassadors were introduced to several indigenous African games such as Dibeke.

In addition, the UK and South African Young Ambassadors, link teachers and headteachers travelled to the Escom Conference Centre in Johannesburg, where a cultural evening was being held.

The students and teachers commented that the partnerships between the schools has been "reinforced and strengthened", with link teachers and headteachers drafting plans for future development for sport within both schools.