British hostage John Cantile 'writes' ISIS propaganda article

British journalist John Cantlie in India before he was captured by ISIS militants in 2012Wikipedia

A column allegedly written by British photojournalist and ISIS captive John Cantlie was published in the latest edition of the terror group's glossy publication called Dabiq.  The said column, titled "If I Were The US President Today," called President Barack Obama a robot, and advised him that he should just play golf instead of meddling with the affairs in the Middle East. 

"Master to robot: You have to find a different way of addressing the danger the mujahidin [sic] pose to the west. '' Military action doesn't work, what about negotiations? 'Must...obey...programming...' Everything you've done since 9/11 has put us in more danger, not less. 'Zzzzz...syntax...error...'," the kidnapped journalist allegedly wrote. 

However, the propaganda article, which tries to describe how the recent airstrike campaign in Syria and Iraq led by the American government is starting to fail, may or may not have been written by Cantlie himself. There are several interesting points in the article that makes it doubtful to have been written by the British captive, including the number of misspelled words, referenced quotes from former CIA officer Michael Scheuer, as well as the reference to a rap song from the 1990s titled "Whoop There It Is" by Tag Team. 

"Spurred on by continual American intervention, the sphere of influence of the Islamic State has expanded to such a degree that they can now order attacks on US soil by complete strangers via word alone. An international insurgency," the article stated. "It's the nightmare scenario for the governments, one they've spent trillions trying to avoid but, ironically, fuelled instead with their constant meddling in the affairs of the Muslim world." 

Just a week ago, The Telegraph reported that Cantlie had already accepted that he will suffer the same fate as the other ISIS prisoners who were beheaded by the group. Based on the videos that have been released by the terrorist cell to the public, Cantlie mentioned that he knows that James Foley, David Haines, and Steven Sotloff have all been executed, and he said that he believes that it will also happen to him soon. 

However, the photojournalist said that he does not feel angry towards the mujahideen for killing all the hostages, but he is angry toward the western governments for allowing it to happen. 

Cantlie allegedly wrote an advice to President Obama to conclude the article, saying, "If I were the president of the US today – and let it be said, I am very glad I am not – I'd be aghast at the mess that was blowing up in my face... In the face of such a train wreck, I'd have to say that 18 holes around Martha's Vineyard was a far more sensible alternative. And in light of current events, probably more constructive as well." 

Cantlie was captured by members of the ISIS when he was working in the northwest part of Syria back in 2012.