WWE news: Brock Lesnar likely to choose WWE over UFC

Brock LesnarWikimedia Commons

Brock Lesnar is expected to make his decision on whether to stay with the World Wrestling Entertainment or return to the UFC after Wrestlemania 31. However it seems that the decision has already been made.

And if rumors hold up, chances are the Beast will be staying on with the WWE with health concerns a primary reason. It is strongly believed that the reigning WWE heavyweight champion will sign a new part-time deal once his contract expires.

Lesnar was a former heavyweight champion in the UFC as well but went into retirement in 2011 due to a bout with diverticulitis. And a return to the UFC would mean serious health concerns, considering the physical impact that MMA matches carry.

The UFC stands to gain a lot from Lesnar if he would return to MMA fighting. But with concerns about concussions and long-term health, it seems that his rumored return will likely fall short.

For the WWE, it could mean several things.

One is that the outcome of Wrestlemania 31 could lean on a Lesnar victory on either Roman Reigns or Daniel Bryan since he would be staying on. That means that issues with regards to who would be the champion would be put to rest.

But then again, if health (or injuries) are Lesnar's concern, should he continue even being in the WWE?

Though the pounding and punishment in the WWE is far different from the level of contact the UFC has, it remains that Lesnar could still be hit by something serious in one of his WWE matches. Though it may only be on a part-time basis, that possibility is still in the air and something that can strike at the last time he would expect it.

Either way, the WWE is the lesser of two evils for Lesnar if the rumors behind his decision are true. But if push comes to shove, Lesnar could be better off considering retirement if his body is unwilling to take the rigors of full contact in any ring.