'Broken Age: Act 2' release date nears as game enters beta stage


The latest development about the highly anticipated second act of "Broken Age" is finally unveiled. According to the video update from game director Tim Shafer that he recently posted on Kickstarter, "Broken Age: Act 2" is currently in its beta testing phase. It is also in its "highly playable state" as all of the dialogue has been finished and recorded and all the game's programming has been completed. 

However, Shafer's biggest news about the video is the game's release, which he said will take place later in spring. 

Shafer's Double Fine Productions also added a post script in the video, saying, "Now we're in that final stretch of polishing things up and pushing that bug countdown to zero! It's a really exciting time. We now can see the full picture of the game we're going to ship and are able to make small tweaks that really affect the quality of the experience. The good news is that we're already excited about what we have, and these next few months of polish and bug fixing should allow us to ship something we're super super proud of. Can't wait to get the rest of the game into your hands! This also has us looking forward a bit to the remaining rewards left to ship." 

"Broken Age" is a crowd-funded point-and-click adventure game that features controllable characters that can move, pick up objects, and converse with non-playing characters throughout the entire game. It has two playable characters named Vella Tartine who comes from a world that was destroyed by a giant creature called the Mog Chothra. The creature is often pleased when surrounding villages sacrifice some of their young girls during the Maiden's Feasts. 

The other character is named Shay Volta, a young man who seems to be the only remaining passenger left on the Bossa Nostra spaceship, which is described as an "incubator vessel." This character is voiced by actor Elijah Wood. 

IGN also reported that a special edition game box for "Broken Age" titled "Double Fine Adventure Book" that is meant for its retail version, as well as the documentary that features the behind-the-scenes development of the game, are still in progress. 

Tim Shafer on Broken Age: Act 2 update.YouTube