Brooklyn Nets NBA 2015 news, rumors: Deron Williams is the key to making Brook Lopez effective

Deron WilliamsReuters

Brook Lopez may have struck it rich when he was secured by the Brooklyn Nets. But make no mistake about it -- he still has a lot of work to do.

Though the veteran center is being tagged as the team's franchise player, Lopez cannot win games all by his lonesome. Basketball is a five-man game, and for Lopez to flourish, he needs the ample support of guards on the team.

One such player is Deron Williams, the seasoned point guard who has not been much of a factor in the past two seasons but remains a vital cog in the team for playmaking, passing and shooting.

Williams will be the starting point of the team's play, and much of what follows next falls on his shoulders. He can shoot and free up the middle for Lopez to operate or dish out whenever the 7-footer is in the right position for a shot.

Williams is considered as more important despite swirling trade rumors because, for one, it seems like the Nets will be stuck with him whether they like it or not.

His hefty contract makes the player a hard to trade, so with that in mind, the Nets could try and make do with the situation and play him out.

If ever there is a time for Williams to prove that he deserves his lucrative contract, the time is probably now. He is expected to still start as long as he wears the Brooklyn Nets uniform, though the team has other guards that could step up as well. These include Jarrett Jack, Steve Blake and Shane Larkin, who recently agreed to a two-year deal with the Nets worth $3 million.

Though the Nets are still hoping to trade Williams to any team who may be interested, he remains the focal point of the Nets play, one who helps ensure that Brook Lopez and what he brings to the team is maximized.