Brooklyn Nets NBA 2015 trade news, rumors: We are keeping Brook Lopez, says Billy King

Brook LopezReuters

Brook Lopez is in the headlines once again but not because of trades, well not entirely.

After drawing interest from multiple teams which began as early as the NBA trade deadline, no other than Nets general manager Billy King announced that the team is going to keep the big man despite his bout with foot injuries.

Lopez can opt out of his contract after this season and from the looks of it, the 27-year-old player who was picked 10th in the 2008 NBA draft will be looking for security and a financially rewarding deal.

Many teams are interested in getting Lopez though the Nets can easily re-sign the 7-footer even if he does opt out. But the question there is does Lopez want to remain a Net?

King stresses that practically everyone wants him to stay. There are no trades for Lopez at the moment and he is seen as the cornerstone of the team. But as far as his supporting cast is concerned, it could be a work in progress.

Deron Williams and Joe Johnson could be out of the team after this season and may likely be traded if any team would be interested in getting them. It wouldn't be surprising if the Nets agree to get draft picks and money considerations for them.

Williams' performance has been dipping and will most likely find himself among the free agents looking for a new team. Williams, popular for having run-ins with his coach during his Utah Jazz dies, may find it hard with a large chunk of free agent guards and incoming freshmen before the 2015-16 season starts.

Joe Johnson has been reliable as ever but has certainly fallen short of helping the Nets. Along with Williams, both carry a hefty paycheck which has unfortunately fallen short of success.

Though he did not directly mention it, the Nets are in for a rebuilding themselves. It all starts with Brook Lopez and maybe Thaddeus Young (if he stays), Alan Anderson and Mirza Teletovic.

As it stands, the Nets may be investing in younger legs who don't necessarily get the humongous salaries.