Brown promises 'light touch' tech regulation

Prime Minister Gordon Brown will promise on Monday to maintain "light touch" regulation of technology firms to encourage investment in the sector.

"I know that achieving the right regulatory environment is particularly important in the technology sector, and I am determined that Britain maintains the light touch framework necessary to stay world-leading in technology and creative industries," Brown will tell a conference run by the U.S. firm Google, according to a transcript from his office.

Brown will promise to invest in new government hi-tech initiatives such as computerised crime mapping for police, electronic school report cards and online appointment bookings at hospitals.

He will also announce a new animation available to users of Google's map programme Google Earth, which will show the effects of climate change. The animation is made using data from the weather authorities and its Antarctic researchers.

"I will do all we can to ensure we remain the investment and cultural destination of choice for the creative industries and the technological businesses of the world," he will say.