The Foundation of Christ

|PIC1|By the Grace God has given me, I laid a foundation as an expert builder...
-1 Corinthians 3:10

Once upon a time, some men were building a Church. These men were carving stones in order to build it, and as they were doing so a priest came by and asked one of them:

‘What are you doing?’ The answer came back: ‘Oh, I am carving stones...’

Then to another: ‘What are you doing?’ ‘I am building a big house...’

But from the third, the priest received the answer: ‘I am building a house for God!’

Though all answers are right, isn't the last one the real answer?

Through the perception of your work, the value of it can change completely. One person might be carving stones, but another is building a House for God. Isn't his work more joyful?

Knowing the preciousness of living as Christians is important in order to have hope. Fundamentally, our lives have been changed.

Why? We no longer living mundane lives, but lives building the Kingdom of God, on the foundation of Christ.

Through remembering this our lives can experience a great change in quality!

-Author Unknown