Bully apologises to schoolmate 20 years later; finally makes peace via Facebook message

(ChadMichael Morisette)

A man who was bullied in junior high recently made peace with his bully after the latter reached out to him through Facebook to apologise for his misdeeds some 20 years ago.

According to a report by Yahoo Parenting, Chad Michael Morisette, who is now a brand consultant and visual designer in West Hollywood, recently received a message from one of his former schoolmates and got the surprise of his life when he read the content.

"I was recently talking with my 10 year old daughter about bullies. She asked me if I ever bullied anyone and sadly I had to say "yes." What came to mind is how s****y and mean I was to you when we were in Jr. High. I want to apologize. If we lived in the same state I would apologize to your face. I don't even know if you remember, but I do and I am sorry," the message from Louie Amundson read.

"The entire football team bullied me. It wasn't one guy, it was six or seven guys who would follow me in the hallways, harassing me, insulting me, threatening my life," Morisette recalled.

Morisette said Amundson was one of many bullies who harassed him in school when he was living in a small town in Alaska, The Daily Mail reported.

He said that he was bullied because he was gay and that he was little, and it got so bad that he had to have an adult or friends with him to get safely to class.

When he received the note from Amundson, he admitted that he was overwhelmed with emotion because he thought he had let go of all the baggage when he left home at 15 and started working as stockroom assistant at Nordstrom in San Diego.

Since then, he has made his way up the professional ladder and now has a thriving career and established a reputation as the "mannequin man" who brings window displays to life across LA boutiques.

In his response to Amundson, he thanked his former bully for being the only person who apologised to him after 20 years and gave his forgiveness wholeheartedly.

"I hope you can tell your daughter that you have also apologised for it, and that we are good," he said. "It's amazing what 20 years and children can do to us, no? Thank you again, and I hope you stand up to bulling anytime you see it. Have a great day!"