Burn babies? 'Desperate' US abortionist wonders what to do with huge stock of foetal tissues in freezers

A life size replica of a foetus at 20 weeks.Reuters

An abortionist in Michigan admitted that she was so "desperate" in finding a way to dispose of aborted baby parts in her facility that she thought of burning them in a huge bonfire "far into the woods."

The abortionist, identified as Renee Chelian, made the admission while speaking at the 2014 National Abortion Federation conference, according to the Center for Medical Progress (CMP) which obtained videos of the event.

"I mean, it was the worst. I dreamed about how to dispose of foetal tissue," said the owner of the Northland Family Planning chain in Michigan in the video. "I mean I was so desperate, the antis found a way to close us."

Chelian spoke as a panellist on foetal disposition. She said in Michigan, some facilities used garbage disposal throw away aborted babies. When she lost her contract with the nation's leading medical waste company Stericycle—which services abortion facilities nationwide—she became frantic regarding how to dispose of the baby parts.

Chelian said she had five months' worth of baby parts stocked in freezers when she and Stericycle parted ways.

"Nobody wants to talk about dead bodies. And nobody with me, I have to say," she said. "There was a point, when Stericycle fired us, that I had five months of foetal tissue in my freezers. We were renting freezers to put them in. This was all I thought about."

Chelian said out of desperation, she thought of starting a bonfire in the woods.

"I was so consumed with foetal tissue that I was ready to drive to upper Michigan to have a bonfire. And it was just trying to figure out, you know, how I wouldn't get stopped or how far into the woods would I have to go to have this fire that nobody would see me," she said.

She said she went to different hospitals regarding working with them but most officials feared of being found by the public.

"We met them in like, Denny's restaurants. There's not even very many of those left, they wanted to make sure nobody would see them with us," Chelian said.

She said she was told that the aborted and miscarried babies and other body parts from the hospital were either picked up by Stericycle or burned at the hospital incinerator.

"And they were terrified of a public relations nightmare, that hospitals actually had big freezers with ... abortions or miscarriages, and that they all go in jars together at some point, and they go to Stericycle, unless the hospital happens to have their own incinerator, which is rarer and rarer. The guy from Stericycle was quick to point that out to me," she said.

She also went to a crematorium, but was told that the abortion facility would be responsible for picking up the ashes.

"And I was like, 'I don't know. Do they have to?' And they were like, 'Well, we can't just dump them, somebody has to be responsible for them,'" Chelian said, "which also made me really worried I was just gonna have to open some room somewhere where I just had bottles of ashes."