Bush: I Will Be Your President, Regardless of Your Faith

At the close of the highly contested Presidential election where faith and morality played the key role in deciding the victor, President George W. Bush reminded the American people that unity can be achieved in religious diversity.

"I will be your president regardless of your faith, and I don't expect you to agree with me necessarily on religion," Bush said during a Nov. 4 press conference at the White House.

Bush, whose main voter base consisted of the millions of white evangelicals who came out on Election Day Tuesday, assured the divided nation that he will never impose any religion on America and will continually support the unity that comes through the freedom to worship.

“As a matter of fact, no president should ever try to impose religion on our society. ... A great -- the great tradition of America is one where people can worship the way they want to worship. And if they choose not to worship, they're just as patriotic as your neighbour. That is an essential part of why we are a great nation,” said Bush. “I think the great thing that unites is the fact you can worship freely if you choose, and if you -- you don't have to worship. And if you're a Jew or a Christian or a Muslim, you're equally American. That is -- that is such a wonderful aspect of our society; and it is strong today and it will be strong tomorrow. “

Upon being asked by a reporter if he is concerned “about the role of a faith...in public life,” President Bush said he is glad the people of faith voted and expressed a desire to focus on unity rather than division.

“I am glad people of faith voted in this election. I'm glad -- I appreciate all people who voted. I don't think you ought to read anything into the politics, the moment, about whether or not this nation will become a divided nation over religion,” said Bush.

In other areas, Bush said the United States will vigorously pursue the war in Iraq and against terror. He also reminded the American people that the nation will not retreat from spreading democracy and freedom through the Middle East.

Pauline J. Chang
Ecumenical Press