Café Chain Offers Donation to Salvation Army Homeless Work

The Salvation Army is to be the benefactor of donations from EAT, the sandwich, coffee and soup company, along with Centrepoint, the homeless charity, for their work in serving the UK’s homeless people.
For every cup of soup sold the chain of 47 cafes will donate 5p between the 3 October and the end of December.

EAT has gotten involved with the promotion of the cook book Soup Kitchen, which donates 70 per cent of sales profit to charities that work with the homeless, including The Salvation Army.

“We are delighted that EAT are getting involved in the Soup Kitchen project and helping to raise much-needed funds for our work to end homelessness,” said The Salvation Army’s Major Bill Cochrane.

“The Salvation Army is the largest provider of hostel accommodation for homeless people in the UK as well as supporting people at a local level. Projects like this will really benefit the people that we are supporting,” he added.

The Salvation Army recently criticised the government saying that it had failed Britain’s homeless by failing to provide affordable accommodation that could allow those ready to vacate the hostels, around 47 per cent according to The Salvation Army.

The Salvation Army new site warned: “Without this new and affordable housing, homelessness will continue to be a blight on society in the 21st century.”

With EAT selling around 2 million cups of soup last year, The Salvation Army is hoping gain thousands of pounds to commit to its homeless work.