CAFOD says Climate Change Bill 'falls short of the mark'

Catholic International relief agency CAFOD has welcomed plans for the Climate Change Bill, which was announced in the Queen's speech earlier this week, but has said that the proposed standards within it are too low.

CAFOD as said it welcomes the UK Government's "leadership" on climate change and the introduction of a strong and effective framework for reducing greenhouse gas emissions, but says the current plan still "falls short of the mark".

Britain's Environment Secretary Hilary Benn claims he will be putting forward a "tougher, more effective and more transparent" bill to help tackle climate change.

He says the revised Bill, which was formally announced in the Queen's Speech, will commit to reviewing whether the current target of a 60 per cent reduction should be stronger still and will also look at the impact of including aviation.

However, CAFOD has suggested that these changes are needed now and that any delay will significantly weaken the strength of the Bill, which will make the UK the first country to put carbon emissions reduction targets into law.

George Gelber, CAFOD's head of policy, said: "Current plans for the Climate Change Bill are not strong enough and ignore the scientific evidence and key recommendations from all three parliamentary committees that reviewed the draft Bill.

"The weakness of the current Climate Change Bill means it is the equivalent of insulating a house then leaving the windows open.

"Only by introducing the strongest possible legal framework for reducing UK greenhouse emission will Gordon Brown demonstrate as Prime Minister he will ensure the UK takes an international lead on climate change."

He continued by urging the Government to raise the proposed standards, saying: "The UK needs to commit to reducing carbon emissions by at least 80 (not 60) per cent by 2050 if we are going to move towards stabilising global temperature warming at 2°C whilst sending a clear signal to the world that the UK takes climate change seriously.

"Climate change projections show that developing countries will be worst affected by climate change and within them it will be the poorest people who suffer most"

He concluded: "They have done the least to cause the problem and have fewest resources to adapt. Slowing and ultimately halting climate change is essential if the government's good work in fighting poverty is not to be undermined by rising global temperatures."