CAFOD urges UK Government to do more to end Colombian Violence

CAFOD has sent an open letter to the British Government urging them to pressure the Colombian Government to do more for the thousands of people forced from their homes by armed conflict.

This month marks the tenth anniversary of a Colombian law that was supposed to see a vital step forward in the Colombian state's response to the displacement crisis.

The letter, also signed by CAFOD sister agencies Trocaire and Sciaf, as well as Christian Aid and Oxfam, highlights the failure of the Colombian Government to attend to the needs of people forced from their homes at gunpoint. They continue to suffer massive human rights violations while illegal armed groups responsible for these crimes go unpunished.

In the letter, CAFOD and sister agencies call for a participatory approach to prevent further displacement and look for long-term solutions to the problem.

CAFOD's Colombia Programme Manager Francis McDonagh said: "We want our Government to be under no illusions. For all the talk of a peace process in Colombia the nightmare is far from over for millions of people. In the first 100 days of 2007 more than 15,000 Colombians were forced to flee their homes.

"Both the British and Irish Governments have taken a stand but we want them to increase pressure on the Colombian Government to not only ensure displaced people have somewhere safe to go but also do more to solve the crisis and prevent further displacement. "

CAFOD has been working with local Colombian partners for 25 years, focusing on sustainable livelihoods, peace-building and reconciliation and the defence of human rights.

CAFOD partner, Caritas Colombia, is raising awareness of what is one of the world's worst humanitarian crises with a petition of one million voices. Although Colombia is second only to Sudan in terms of huge numbers of people forced to flee their homes, few seem aware of the countries 40-year conflict between the Government and various guerilla groups or the plight of the people affected.

McDonagh said: "Colombia is a country ravaged by violent conflict between the state and guerrilla groups and its citizens suffer from gross human rights violations from all warring factions. Our Government must act but people can also make a difference and show their solidarity by signing the petition. "