Call for Prayers As Serbia Stands at Crossroads

|TOP|A leading Serbian Baptist has made an “Urgent Appeal for Prayer” as Serbia continues to stand at a crossroad in the wake of the recent death of former Yugoslav president Slobodan Milosevic.

Baptist pastor Avram Dega has called on Baptists around the world to pray for his country.

Pastor Dega, who is also on the executive board of the Serbian Baptist Union and also its administration coordinator in the northern region of Serbia, stressed the importance of praying for political stability so “that the forces of evil, hatred and exclusion will not have final say and that wisdom and moderation might prevail”.

It is feared more civil unrest may follow from the referendum on 21 May which will see voters decide on Montenegrin independence from Serbia.

|AD|There are also concerns over the possible outcome of current negotiations on the final status of Kosovo as the international community continues to push for independence.

“There is a lot of frustration,” said Dega. He urged prayers for “peace and the right mix of wisdom and boldness for international diplomats,” to ensure Kosovo does not become the source of political instability in the future.

Dega contrasted Milosevic with murdered Serbian President Zoran Djindjic, saying one was “dictatorial, nationalistic, xenophobic, aggressive and build on myths of the past” while the other was “democratic, with respect for human rights, with good relations to the neighbours and oriented toward the future”.

He added: “Pray for a leadership in Serbia that will take our country in the right direction.”

Measures are already being implemented to ensure the results of Montenegro’s referendum for independence will be decisive and limit the potential for any further instability.

For Montenegro to become an independent state, the number of “yes” votes must exceed 55 per cent.

The diplomatic delegations of Pristina and Belgrade will meet Monday in Vienna for the third round of negotiation talks on the future of Kosovo, focussing on decentralisation.