Call for prayers for aid workers in Afghanistan

Release International is calling on Christians to pray for aid workers in Afghanistan following the murder of ten aid workers there last week.

It said the deadly attack on workers for International Assistance Mission, including British doctor Karen Woo, was evidence of a growing danger to Christian relief workers in the country, as well as Afghan converts to the Christian faith.

"Christians living and working in Afghanistan face the added risk of being accused of proselytism, in addition to practising their own faith privately and in community," it said.

The Afghan government recognises only one church, the Community Christian Church of Kabul, while most Christians gather in homes.

Release continued: "What risk do Christians pose to the Taliban?

"The Christian community have a vital part to play in the building of the nation, inspired by God to serve, driven with passion to love, and selflessly focused on those more needy than themselves."

Release fears the latest killings will only make it harder to deliver aid to people in need in Afghanistan.

"The whole climate for aid workers in Afghanistan has changed," it said. "Humanitarian workers are in a very vulnerable position, even more so because of last weekend's tragic incident.

"Hundreds of humanitarian aid workers are striving under incredible pressure to deliver assistance to where it is most needed, and to build community infrastructure. They are empowering Afghans to build a future for their country – one where they have hope."

Release called on Christians to pray for the protection of Christians continuing to serve in Afghanistan in spite of the dangers.

Through its international network of missions Release supports Christians imprisoned for their faith and their families in 30 nations. It supports church workers, pastors and their families, and provides training, Bibles, Christian literature and broadcasts.