'Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare' updates: Gun glitch , matchmaking and reverse booting concerns addressed

[Photo credit: Call of Duty]

Navigating through the battlefield to kill off zombies is fun, although some gamers like to be more daring by checking every corner accessible in "Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare." This has led them to a hidden gem in the first-person shooter video game, a secret gun glitch. 

This special item is only found in Throttle, the game's thirteenth mission. Players will have to go out of bounds and clamber to the very top of one of the buildings in the map to reach it. There, players will find a floating gun called "WEAPON_RPG." With the rather strange name, PC Mag commented that the "odd-looking" weapon is simply a gear developers over at Sledgehammer Games did not manage to rub out. 

The site reasoned that the gun is older compared to weapons present in the game's environment, which has a sophisticated array like lasers and plasma rifles. Furthermore, the gun must have been an unintentional inclusion as even rockets in the game are not made that destructive, let alone that silent — the gun does not make noise when fired. However, it is still a thrill to check out the find so Achievement Hunter Community made a walkthrough for the curious ones who want to see it for themselves and eventually equip their bodies with the outlandish device. 

In other "Call of Duty" news, the multiplayer component of the title is fishing some concerns about matchmaking issues and bans connected to "reverse boosting." 

"First, and I can't stress this enough, player connection to the host always takes priority over skill in the matchmaking process – always, no exceptions," Sledgehammer Games Studio Head and Co-Founder Michael Condrey said via the game's official website. "Fast connection to a match hosted on our global dedicated servers is the most important component of our matchmaking system." 

He also said something about reverse boosting, wherein gamers purposely kill themselves in the game to revert their stats, matching them to less skilled players. 

"No one wants to lose an objective based match by effectively being outnumbered while their teammate shoots grenades into their own forehead 100 times in the corner," Condrey said. "It's not dissimilar from the bans that cheaters and boosters receive, and we have increased our focus on reverse boost banning to combat the growing issue. No one is trying to restrict the fun factor of playing Advanced Warfare with this policy, nor are we actively banning against particular styles of play, like trick shots. However, we have a low tolerance approach to people who ruin the experience for others through cheating, boosting, reverse boosting or being caught with toxic emblems in game."