'Call of Duty: Black Ops 3' release date this year?

Call of Duty: Black Ops II[Photo credit: Call of Duty website]

There is this ongoing debate about game developer Treyarch's next "Call of Duty" title. Some say "World at War II" is their next project while others believe it will be making a new iteration of "Black Ops." If the recent slew of news is to go by, then the supporters of the latter laid their wager right. 

Just recently, a YouTuber named Driftor spotted Snapchat's icon in some of the online maps of "Call of Duty: Black Ops II." After further scrutiny of the finding, eagle-eyed gamers found out the icon leads to a Snapchat account for "Call of Duty." Those who added the account as a friend got a cryptic footage. 

There's a recorded voice of a man in the clip, saying, "Listen only to the sound of my voice."

Players who got through the full-on warfare in "Black Ops II" might recognize the line, as the game has plot points that relay hypnotism and brainwashing. 

If this is any indication, it is highly likely that Treyarch is now getting its hands dirty for more full-scale bloodshed, war and conflict with what could be the all-new "Call of Duty: Black Ops III," which should be an awesome title to wait for. 

Even before these "Call of Duty" enigma sprung up, Activision and Treyarch already said something about working on the first-person shooter they promised will be "loaded with innovation." 

Fortunately, too, the collaborators will be dropping details about new "Call of Duty" installments during the month of April before they release it in November. This means that the gaming community may finally be close to seeing "Call of Duty: Black Ops III."