Call to Ireland's Christians to stand with persecuted church

Christian Solidarity Worldwide, Release International and Open Doors will make a united call next month to Christians in Ireland to stand shoulder to shoulder with the persecuted church.

The three ministries will seek to mobilise the church in Ireland in support of persecuted believers at the Call to Action event in Belfast Cathedral on May 1.

During the service, the heads of Open Doors, Release and CSW will make a joint declaration asking that the plight of persecuted believers be put high on the agenda of every church in Ireland.

"The three are speaking as one," said Mervyn Thomas of Christian Solidarity Worldwide. "If ever there was a cause that should create unity, our persecuted Christian family is it."

The organisations say persecution is worsening around the world and that Christians are suffering particularly where they are living under communist regimes or where militant Islam is a problem.

Eddie Lyle, head of Open Doors, said: "We want to inspire people with a message for their local churches that will drive us to our knees in prayer, then back up on our feet to take action."

Release International said many Christians were "blissfully unaware" of the intensity of persecution being suffered by Christians elsewhere.

It said the persecuted church was in need of prayers and practical support from Christians living in countries where they are free to live out their faith.

"This is a message that has to get out," it said.

Delivering the keynote address at the event will be Release patron Bishop Michael Nazir-Ali, who stepped down as the Bishop of Rochester last year to dedicate more time to speaking up for the persecuted church.