Calvin Robinson wins £8,000 settlement after being cancelled over Drag Queen Story Hour opposition

Calvin Robinson is a deacon in the Free Church of England.

Anglican priest and broadcaster Calvin Robinson has won an £8,000 settlement after being removed by the Royal Academy of Dance's education sub-committee.

His removal happened after he spoke at a protest in opposition to a 'Drag Queen Story Hour' for children taking place at a library in Lewisham, London, and then later discussed it on air during his weekly GB News show, Calvin's Common Sense Crusade.

Organisers of the Drag Queen Story Hours claimed the events gave children a chance to learn about "diversity, inclusivity and a world where they all belong", but critics called them a safeguarding issue and said they exposed children to age-inappropriate sexually explicit material.

Supported by the Christian Legal Centre (CLC), Rev Robertson had been set to make claims of harassment, and direct and indirect indiscrimination against the Royal Academy of Dance (RAD).

A former teacher, he had been a member of RAD's education sub-committee since late 2020. The position was voluntary and existed to advise RAD on its engagement with the education sector.

The CLC said his position on the sub-committee was terminated in March this year "without warning or discussion".

In a letter informing him of the decision, Robinson was told that his continued membership of the sub-committee "will endanger the RAD's reputation and standing, and would interfere with the effective functioning of this important sub-committee".

"We therefore consider your position to be untenable," the letter read.

In a letter in response, Robinson said that RAD, "instead of attempting to engage with my Christian perspective," had "chosen cowardice and intolerance".

Rev Robinson is to receive the £8,000 sum after reaching an out of court settlement with RAD before the case went to tribunal.

Commenting on the settlement, he said, "I am pleased that the bullies did not win and that they have learnt you cannot push people out for holding traditional views - Christian views. However, the Royal Academy of Dance has made it clear that they are a radical organisation pushing trans theory, queer theory and critical race theory, all of which are harmful and divisive branches of neo-Marxism."

He continued, "It is sad to see that, on the one hand, they insist on pushing these toxic ideologies upon young people, and on the other hand, call themselves inclusive whilst excluding anyone with traditionally British views.

"Say a man can become a woman and invade women's protected spaces, and you'll be encouraged; say you are against the sexualisation of children, and you'll be fired from their organisation. What does that say about the Royal Academy of Dance? I hope questions are being asked about their royal charter."

Andrea Williams, chief executive of the Christian Legal Centre, said: "This is an important win for Calvin and his common sense crusade.

"It is a loss to their institution no longer to have Calvin on their board. He brings brilliance, truth and clarity in the midst of cultural confusion.

"Protection of the next generation means having the courage to expose the immoral ideology behind Drag Queen Story Hour and the confusion it heaps upon young children."