Can you capture how the Bible has changed your life in a photograph?

That’s the challenge being set by Biblefresh, the campaign to reignite the church’s passion for God’s Word during 2011 – the 400th anniversary of the King James’ Bible.

Biblefresh is set to launch a photography competition inviting Christians to have their picture taken holding a sign with the words that sum up how the Bible has changed their world.

The wording on the sign must start with ‘Now I …’ and should be no longer than eight words. Group pictures are also being accepted and should start with the words ‘Now we …’

Among those backing the campaign are Dr Krish Kandiah, Jim Wallis, Philip Yancey, Bishop Joe Aldred, Steve Clifford, and Matt Summerfield.

Conservative Life Peer, Lord Michael Bates, appears in his photo with a placard reading ‘Now I have a purpose to serve’.

He says: “When [I] was 17, I failed my O-Levels. Lots of my friends were going off to university and I wasn’t excited by life. Then someone read to me: ‘The Kingdom of God is within you’. It struck me like a thunderbolt.

“This phrase doesn’t pay any recognition to whether you are unemployed or sitting in the House of Lords; that’s irrelevant. My value does not come from where I sit and what I’ve done. My value comes from the Kingdom of God being within me.”

Judges from the Biblefresh Executive Committee are looking for imaginative locations and a strong link between the location and the words on the sign.

The best photos will each win a prize from Biblefresh’s partner organisations, including the Bible Society and Wycliffe Bible Translators.

Dr Krish Kandiah, Churches in Mission Director at the Evangelical Alliance and Chair of Biblefresh says: “We want people to appreciate how God speaks to them through Scripture and to reflect on how they have been challenged and encouraged through the Bible”.

He adds, “The Bible is as relevant today as it was four centuries ago when King James commissioned his world-changing translation.”

Pictures can be uploaded at from Christmas Eve to January 31.