Canadian Teen Artist on a Mission

Canadian Christian teenage artist Christine Evans is currently on a mission in the US. Her new promotional video, "Don't Laugh At Me" has been chosen as a major media promotional tool by US-based Operation Respect in their national campaign to create a compassionate, safe, and respectful learning environment for all children.

The not-for-profit Operation Respect was founded by music legend Peter Yarrow and seeks to promote academic, social, and emotional development for children in an atmosphere free of bullying, ridicule, and violence.

In her role as a national spokesperson for the organisation, Evans will add her performance to the September 6 concert "Tribute - A Concert Honouring The Teachers of America" -to be staged at the historic Town Hall in New York City, and filmed for later airing as a national PBS-TV Special.

Joining her in the event will be an all-star celebrity line-up that includes legendary folk trio Peter, Paul & Mary, musical guests Odetta, Judy Collins, and Tom Paxton, special appearances by Bill Cosby and Rosie O'Donnell, and Sesame Street's loveably plush Elmo.

The "Don't Laugh At Me" video premiered on the worldwide web on AOL's Kids Online (KOL) radio website last Friday.

Christine's latest single, "Surrender", is currently Top 5 on the Canadian Christian radio charts. Earlier in the month, the 17-year-old shared the stage with Jars Of Clay at Canada's inaugural staging of the major Christian festival event, FreedomFest.

She is passionate about her work with Operation Respect and the positive effects it can have on young lives in the US.

"I think that this world is only one piece of a much larger picture, so it's important to look beyond ourselves and our own lives," she noted in a recent mainstream interview. "Roughly 35,000 children a day miss school across the US because of bullying. The influence of the 'Don't Laugh At Me' campaign is designed to reduce the problem by educating kids about the damage of bullying and encouraging a healthy, violence free atmosphere where students can learn and teachers can teach."