Canterbury Searches for new Ambassador to Vatican

The Anglican Communion is inviting applications for the post of 'Representative of the Archbishop of Canterbury to the Holy See and Director of the Anglican Centre in Rome'.

The position will become available when the Rt Rev John Flack steps down from the role on 28 February 2008, after almost five years.

The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, paid tribute to Bishop Flack: "Bishop John has held this office during a crucial period of change and challenge both for Roman Catholics and for Anglicans.

"Throughout his time, serving with enormous energy, distinction and warmth, both as pastor and diplomat, he has built up the work of the Anglican Centre in Rome as well as developing our relationships with the Vatican.

"His successor will be able to build on his achievements and take forward this vital work."

The Anglican Communion will be looking for someone to fill the role as a two-way ambassador between the Vatican and both the Archbishop of Canterbury and the wider Anglican Communion.

In addition, the successor to Bishop Flack will hold the position of Director of the Anglican Centre in Rome.