'Captain America 3: Civil War' movie to pack 15-minute IMAX footage

[Photo credit: Marvel]

Marvel will step up its movie-making with "Captain America: Civil War." The Cap's third film, which will feature Iron Man and Spider-Man, will show off some scenes, to run approximately 15 minutes, that will be shot with brand new IMAX 2D digital cameras. 

This will make it easy for directors Joe and Anthony Russo to convert "Captain America: Civil War" to 3D in post-production. Moreover, the new technology recognized and utilized by many filmmakers in the industry will enrich the storytelling power of the upcoming film. 

"We like being on the cutting edge of technology and we like to enhance storytelling with technology in a way that pushes the narrative forward creatively," Joe Russo told Variety. "When you're working on a Marvel film, there's a sense of showmanship that goes along with the movies, and no exhibitor exploits that better than IMAX." 

The all-important IMAX footage for "Captain America: Civil War" has, as Joe put it, "some incredible scale to it." 

These ground-breaking 2D digital cameras built by Arri and IMAX were used by critically-acclaimed directors for big-scale movies. Zack Snyder made use of the technology for "Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice" and Brad Bird played with these gizmos for "Mission: Impossible: Ghost Protocol." Christopher Nolan also used these cameras to film the epic science-fiction film "Interstellar." Lastly, "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" directed by J.J. Abrams is also being made with these goodies. 

The use of these IMAX 2D digital cameras will be perfect for "Captain America: Civil War," which will stage the full-on duel of the mighty soldier and billionaire genius Iron Man as well as introduce the new Spider-Man in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. 

Production for "Captain America: Civil War" will start on April 27. The superhero film will hit the big screen on May 6, 2016.