'Captain America: Civil War' news: Black Widow and Hawkeye fight in newest trailer

Hawkeye and Black WidowMarvel Studios

The international trailer for "Captain America: Civil War" has just been released, and while it more or less resembles the domestic trailer released in the U.S., there is one specific scene that gives an entirely different outlook on the fight between Captain America's (Chris Evans) team and Iron Man's (Robert Downey Jr.) team. 

The scene in question features Hawkeye (Jeremy Renner) and Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson) facing off against each other in the climactic airport battle. The sequence shown in the trailer is incredibly short, with just a few seconds passing, but as stated in a report from Cinema Blend, it does shed new light on the whole aspect of the war.

While Iron Man and Captain America may be dueling to the death and will most likely never be close friends again, the other participants in the battle may be trying to salvage what friendship there is left.

In the aforementioned clip, Hawkeye pins down Black Widow with his bow and the latter asks if they'll still be friends when the fighting is over. Hawkeye jokingly tells her it depends on how hard she hits him, right before she punches him in the face.

The report points out that the short sequence between Black Widow and Hawkeye represents their focuses more on their commitment to stay as friends than the actual issue that Iron Man and Captain America are fighting for, revealing that the conflict will have more layers than just a clash of ideals regarding government control. 

Hawkeye and Black Widow have showcased in the two previous "Avengers" films that they do have an extensive history together. In the first "Avengers" film, the duo fought when Hawkeye was under mind control and in the second film the characters further explored their past when Hawkeye was revealed to have a family. 

"Captain America: Civil War" opens in theaters this May 6.