'Captain America 3: Civil War' plot news: Chris Evans talks movie plot and conflict

Captain America: Civil War concept artJeremy Renner/ Twitter

Tensions between Captain America (Chris Evans) and Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr.) have been steadily building since the two characters met in 2012's "Avengers" and have continued to escalate since. Speaking to a crowd at the Salt Lake City Comic-Con, actor Chris Evans got to discuss how this conflict will level out in "Captain America: Civil War," reports Heroic Hollywood.

Unlike the comics, which focused on whether or not superheroes should be able to keep their secret identities, the film adaptation will focus on whether or not superheroes like the Avengers should sign accords that would make them answer to a government body instead of letting them run things on their own.

"Tony actually thinks we should be signing these accords and reporting to somebody, and Cap, who's always been a company man and has always been a soldier, actually doesn't trust anymore," explains Evans to the crowd. "Given what happened in 'Cap 2,' I think he kind of feels the safest hands are his own."

"Captain America: The Winter Soldier" showed that S.H.I.E.L.D. had long been compromised by Hydra and proved that even the one group Captain America thought he could trust had lies and secrets kept from him, hurting his opinion on general authority.

Evans expounds that in the context of the film's script, there isn't really a good guy or bad guy in the film, with nobody really right or wrong. They just have different opinions on how things should be handled and it is this rift that causes the two sides to go against each other in war.

The actor also explains that a part of Captain America agrees with Iron Man's point of view in some way, blurring the black and white lines of morality that early superhero films had been structured around.

"Captain America: Civil War" hits theaters on May 6, 2016.