Cardinal Hints of Ill Pope's Resignation

The Pope’s failing health has brought about hints that he may resign. For the first time, the Pope’s second-in-command, Cardinal Angelo Sodano, acknowledged publicly of the pontiff’s possibility of resigning, suggesting that this issue had been discussed at the highest levels.

The matter is left entirely to the Pope "who knows what to do", said the Cardinal.

Questions regarding the real state of his health are being raised as he will remain in the hospital for a few more days, although reports have said that his health is improving. It appears that his condition was far more serious that first realised on the night he was hospitalised.

Cardinal Sodano responded to a question about whether the Pope had considered resignation: "Let's leave this hypothesis up to the Pope's conscience.
"If there is a man who loves the Church more than anybody else, who is guided by the Holy Spirit, if there's a man who has marvelous wisdom, that's him. We must have great faith in the Pope. He knows what to do."

The Church’s canon law allows a Pope to resign voluntarily but one cannot be forced to do so. Several have resigned in the past, though many have considered it to be unacceptable.

So far, the present Pope has shown strong determination to keep his post despite his sufferings from Parkinson’s disease and arthritis. However, the situation may change if he is unable to speak or move.
"In the eyes of the Church the wisdom of an old man can also be a gift," said Cardinal Sondano, speaking at the opening of a new Vatican library named after Pope John Paul II.

In a message to the faithful on Sunday, the Pope implied that he would not step down, saying that even in hospital and among the sick, he could continue to serve "the Church and humanity".

The Pope’s spokesman, Dr Joaquin Navarro Valls, said his general condition was steadily improving but indicated that he would not leave Rome Gemelli hospital before Thursday.

Dr Valls, a trained medical practitioner, had previously implied that the Pope, who was taken to the hospital last Tuesday, may be sent home today. "In my experience, flu lasts a week or seven days, whichever you prefer." he said.

However, he admitted yesterday that the pontiff had been "advised to prolong his stay for a few more days" for "evident reasons of prudence".