Cardinal stresses importance of family in society

The Archbishop of Westminster, Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O'Connor, has emphasised the central importance of the family to society in his pastoral message for the Feast of the Holy Family.

The letter was read out at at Catholic churches in the Diocese of Westminster over the weekend.

"Today, we remember the families in our diocese and we pray for the countless number of families who are endeavouring to live faithful and good lives and to bring up their children in the love of God," he said.

Acknowledging the stresses and difficulties that often exist within familes, he said that the Church loved the family.

"I rejoice when I visit parishes and offer Mass where there are so many young families who sacrifice themselves in love for their children.

"Like the Holy Family, every family is a suffering family at some stage or other. Good families try and hang together, support one another.

"The deepest sacrifices and the deepest kindnesses happen in your own home."

Cardinal Murphy-O'Connor said that it was in the home that the foundations of a strong Christian life and a loving family were built.

"The richest soil in any parish has to be in the home. This is because the home, more than any other place, is where a child grows.

"If space is made for God in the home; if parents pray with their children from an early age; if parents treat each other well; if the relationships within the home are basically sound; if Mass as Christ's Memorial is seen to matter to the older people, then there is a fair chance that in the hearts and minds of the children the seed will take root and grow."

He added that the greatest lessons were learned in the home.

"Our children are the messages we send to tomorrow. We can forget easily what is said in church, or even in school, but we don't forget what happens in the home."