Care for the Family to Reach Out to Bereaved Parents

This month national charity Care for the Family is running a dedicated weekend for bereaved parents and adult siblings, providing understanding, support and encouragement for those who have lost a son or daughter or sibling.

The Walk Through Weekend, from 28 to 30 September, will be hosted by Kath and Mike Coulson who co-ordinate Care for the Family's Bereaved Parents' Network. Kath and Mike lost their son Philip, aged seven, thirteen years ago and know how difficult life can be following bereavement.

They have recently taken on the role of co-ordinators after being Bereaved Parents' Network befrienders for a number of years.

"Kath and Mike understand how hard it can be to attend a weekend like this and want the time together to be both positive and realistic," said Care for the Family.

The course aims to provide a place to begin or continue the healing process and will include talks on relevant subjects, as well as an opportunity to share in groups with others who have experienced a similar loss.

Kath Coulson said, "Living with the loss of someone so special is incredibly difficult. Mike and I went on a similar weekend a little while after Philip died. It was a hard decision to go, but we are so glad that we did.

"It gave us space and a chance to talk with others who really understood what we were going through. It started us on the journey of discovering a new 'normal'. It is our hope that this special weekend will offer that hope and encouragement to others."

Key speakers on the night will be Peter and Barbie Reynolds will be key speakers. They lost their son aged 21 and baby grandson in 1993 and have a special concern for bereaved parents.

Nicki Wisdom will lead the adult (18+) siblings' group during the weekend. Wisdom's brother died five years ago and she understands many of the issues that siblings face.

The weekend costs £110 including meals and refreshments and takes place at the Staverton Park Hotel in Daventry. For further information or to make a booking, please contact Care for the Family, Garth House, Leon Avenue, Cardiff, CF15 7RG or call (029) 2081 0800.