'Carmageddon: Reincarnation' release date April 23 on Steam for Windows PC


Long before the "Grand Theft Auto" series incorporated vehicle driving with street chaos, the "Carmaggedon" titles were already being played for their street anarchy racing gameplay, and being banned and censored as well. The original game was released in 1997 and the second and third titles were launched in 1998 and 2000, and fans were expecting the latest installment to be launched in 2014. However, until now, those who have seen the pre-alpha and beta stages of "Carmageddon: Reincarnation" are still waiting for the game's full release. 

At last, their long wait will be rewarded as the fourth iteration of the mayhem-filled racing game will arrive next month.

Developer Stainless Games has announced that the latest "Carmageddon" title will be fully launched on April 23, including 16 gory chapters chopped into three to four events totaling 50 events in career mode. These events can be Classic Carmageddon, Car Crusher, Checkpoint Stampede; Death Race, Ped Chase, and Fox 'n' Hounds. There will also be an 8-way multiplayer mode for either LAN or online play, nine maps with 36 race routes, revamped powerups and pedestrians, new in-game collectibles, and 24 vehicles.

Aside from the revamped style and updated gameplay, there will also be bonuses for hardcore fans of the title. Since the new game has primarily been rebooted through crowdfunding site Kickstarter, those gamers that helped the game raise its $625,143 in achieved funds will receive a Special Edition Red Eagle vehicle, among other rewards. 

Also, as part of the early access for the game's Special Bundle Offer, pre-orders of "Carmageddon: Reincarnation" before the final launch will get the Carmageddon Classic Collection for free. The pack contains the original "Carmageddon" game, plus "Carmageddon 2: Carpocalypse Now" and "Carmageddon TDR2K".

"Carmageddon: Reincarnation" will launch on April 23 on Steam for Windows PC. No date yet has been set, but developer Stainless Games will also be launching the title for the Playstation 4 and Xbox One.