Carrie prank VIDEO: Watch customers freaking out after telekinectic prank in NYC coffee shop

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In what is being called a brilliant marketing scheme for the upcoming movie "Carrie," the promoters of the horror flick carried out a prank at a local coffee shop in New York City's West Village, spooking the customers with "telekinectic" effects.

Within 12 hours of its posting, the video of the prank has reached over 3.7 million views at time of writing. 

The video titled Telekinetic Coffee Shop Surprise shows the team preparing for the prank. They set up a fake wall and remote controlled tables and chairs. A stuntman and actors/actresses were also placed on the scene as they prepared to spook customers.

When business is in full swing at the coffee shop, a customer (stuntman) accidentally spills coffee on another customer (actress) who was enjoying her coffee with a laptop on the table. She displays her anger at having the man spill coffee on her laptop. "You know what? Just get away from me!" she screams, before waving her hand to "lift" the man against the wall. She then makes the tables and chairs move, before shrieking out loud, which then make frames and books fly off the shelves.

Shell-shocked customers scream and some run out of the shop. Many look shocked, some amused, and some filmed the incident with their phones.

Watch the video of the prank below: