Carrie Underwood news: Celebrating husband Mike Fisher's coming out of retirement

A selfie of Carrie Underwood and Mike FisherFacebook/carrieunderwood

Just a few months ago, the Nashville Predators star announced his retirement from his ice hockey career in an open letter. Understandably, his age is one obstacle. However, he recently has decided to come back again to lead the Predators for a Stanley Cup win, and no one is more supportive of this decision than his wife, Grammy-award-winning singer, Carrie Underwood.

Fisher made the announcement via NHL, and Underwood was more than happy to share it with everyone. "This is happening! Fish is Back! So proud of you, baby! We want the cup!!," tweets Underwood while also retweeting the link the official tweet of the Nashville Predators of Fisher's comeback.

This one of the very few times that anyone has come back from retirement. According to the NHL, Fisher would be signing with the Preds before the Feb. 26 trade deadline. It looks like the Predators centerman would be coming back to finish what he almost got last season's finals match loss to the Pittsburgh Penguins.

Underwood, on the other hand, has shown nothing but support for her beloved husband. A simple search through Fisher's previous matches shows that the singer would often wear a Predators jersey watching Fisher do his thing on ice.

Underwood and Fisher were married almost a decade ago, back in 2010. They have a son named "Isaiah" who is turning three years old this month. Fisher announced his retirement back in August, and Underwood, of course, had her dedicated Instagram post for the big news.

Obviously, this is only one step in the Predators' journey to getting that Stanley Cup with Fisher onboard once again. One thing is for sure, and it is that Underwood, and perhaps their young son, would be visiting more ice hockey rinks this year.