'Castle' season 7 spoilers: Rick's disappearance finally dug up in episode 20

A screengrab from the "Castle" 7x20 promoYouTube/Television Promos

Every "Castle" fan is still wondering what happened to Rick during his three-month disappearance and why he does not remember any of it. The next episode of the series titled "Sleeper" will address just that. Unfortunately, ABC did not give even the slightest clue about his vanishing. What it did is simply declare that it is finally time to find out what really happened to Rick before he was found by the coastguard adrift in a boat. 

It is because of this mysterious incident that Rick failed to attend his own wedding with Kate. Even then, he acted as if his memory was wiped out or that he was brainwashed. His face was bruised and his body looked like it took a lot of beating. 

Some speculate that the total blank is simply showing Rick's acting skills, and it may be that he wishes not to recall what happened so as to stay away from more trouble for him and his loved ones. The detective does not even know if someone abducted him or it was all him. 

In the promo for the episode, Kate and Rick finally get the chance to look into the incident closer than they ever have. As they find answers to their multitude of questions, Rick, just like any other ardent "Castle" viewer, wonders what really happened. 

"Not a day goes by that I don't wonder where I was or what I did," he so sternly says in the promo, which also shows him walking in alleyways and dark tunnels, possibly retracing his steps that led him to the arcane incident. 

Unfortunately though, fans will only get to see the truth unfold after two weeks as the series is on a brief hiatus. It looks like ABC is saving big things for May so fans will have to wait until April 20 for "Castle" season 7 episode 20 "Sleeper" to air.