'Castle' season 8 episode 21 spoilers: Castle thinks dark forces are after him in 'Hell to Pay'

Castle and Beckett investigate on the sudden death of their axe-wielding attacker in "Castle" season 8 episode 21.ABC

In another hilarious episode of "Castle" season 8, titled "Hell to Pay," Castle has become paranoid and under the impression that an omen that speaks of his demise is being put to action.

In the penultimate episode of the season, Castle is led to believe that he is cursed after adverse circumstances befall him one after the other. With bad luck seemingly following him wherever he goes, Castle starts to think that someone or something is plotting evil things against him.

It all starts when an "axe-wielding, psychiatric inmate" described in the synopsis for "Castle" season 8, episode 21, suddenly dies in his office. As Castle and Beckett investigate, logic starts to flee the former.

Castle believes that the death of the inmate, who has strange markings on his body, was an Antichrist in action. At some point during the investigation, the detective starts to feel that he is cursed, presumably by the suspect.

If there's any one having fun with Castle's paranoia of the mystic, it's Beckett. In the "Castle" season 8, episode 21 sneak peek, Castle has just finished reading what sounded like an incantation when random objects started moving.

As Castle approached the globe that seems to have rotated on its own, he hears a groan from behind him. When he turns around to see where the noise came from, he learned it was Beckett trying to mess with him.

In the "Castle" season 8, episode 21 promo, Esposito and Ryan advise him that it is all in his head. Shortly after that, a cement block came hurtling down in front of them. One more step and Castle would have been squashed by it.

Are the dark forces after Castle? Or is it all an elaborate scheme? Either way, the episode sounds like an amazing installment to herald the finale, which will solve the mystery of the LokSat.

"Castle" season 8, episode 21 "Hell to Pay" airs May 9 at 10 p.m. ET on ABC.