Cathedral appeal raises thousands for Zimbabwe teenagers

Parishioners in Llandaff have raised thousands of pounds for homeless teenagers in Zimbabwe.

A record £14,000 was raised through Llandaff Cathedral's Lent Appeal, which was launched this year in aid of the Tariro Project.

The church-run charity gives young people in Harare the chance of a home and an education.

The Dean of Llandaff, John Lewis, thanked those who supported the appeal.

He said, “The response has been amazing – almost double what we usually raise. We learnt all about the Tariro Project from Fr Nicolas Stebbing of the Community of the Resurrection who has been heavily involved with it.

"He spent the beginning of Lent at the Cathedral and really brought home to us how the project is giving hope and a sense of security to children who have nothing.

"I am immensely grateful people have been so generous - particularly in this time of recession.”

A total of £21,500 has been raised for Tariro by parishioners in the last year. The Harvest Appeal raised £5,500 and a further £2,000 was donated at Christmas.

Last year, Llandaff parishioners raised more than £8,200 during Lent to set up a chicken farm at a school in Zambia.