Cathedral gifts toys to vulnerable children this Christmas

Lichfield Cathedral is inviting members of the public to help local children by donating toys this Christmas.

All donations to its toy appeal will be given to Lichfield Children and Family Services who will use them to brighten up the Christmas of children in need.

As part of the appeal, people are being invited to bring a toy along to the St Nicholas Service this Sunday when the Christmas tree in front of the building is lit up.

Distribution of the toys is being overseen by the Specialist Safeguarding Unit. It supports children who have experienced neglect and physical, emotional and sexual harm. The unit said priority would be given to the neediest families in the community.

Rather than the joy and good cheer commonly associated with the season, the Dean of Lichfield the Very Rev Adrian Dorber said Christmas could bring “particular heartache for families in difficulty”.

“Children can be the victims of family breakdown and poverty, and we want to support Lichfield Children and Family Services as they reach out to families facing hardship and crisis," he said.

“In the spirit of St Nicholas, the cathedral wants to ensure especially vulnerable children can experience some of the joy and delight of Christmas.

“All Christians have to remember Jesus’s teaching and example of joyful generosity, and as we give thanks for his birth, we express our thanks by giving to children who face disadvantage and insecurity.”

The cathedral is welcoming donations of new, boxed toys for all ages, and food parcels containing dry and unopened foods within the expiration date.

These can be dropped off at the St Nicholas service, at the Vergers’ Ducket in the cathedral, or at The Old Stables next to Chapters Restaurant.