Cathedral to remember 9/11 and Holocaust victims

The Cathedral Church of St Nicholas in Newcastle is holding special events to commemorate the 10th anniversary of 9/11 and remember victims of Nazi persecution during World War Two.

A special service is being held at the cathedral this Sunday at 4:30pm in memory of victims of the atrocities.

The service will be followed by a talk by Holocaust survivor Zigi Shipper in the cathedral's Lantern Café at 6pm.

Shipper will share his personal experiences of the Holocaust and what can be learned from them.

The cathedral is also hosting an exhibition on Holocaust victim Anne Frank until September 15 in collaboration with the Anne Frank Trust.

Recently-appointed Cathedral Events Manager Pam Walker said: “Although the events of September 11 and the Holocaust are separated by sixty years, their message remains the same, that prejudice must be confronted wherever it happens.

“We are linking the two historic events because we want to remind people what can happen when intolerance is allowed free reign. We hope that people come away more determined than ever to demonstrate tolerance in their lives.”