CCPAS Expanding to Secular Child Protection

|TOP|The Churches’ Child Protection Advisory Service (CCPAS) is expanding its operations into secular child protection with a new publication that looks at all aspects of child protection and good working practice.

The manual, Safeguarding Children and Young People, contains model policies and forms to be adapted to fit any organisation working with young children and people.

The publication comes in response to the huge demand from non-faith based groups and para-church organisations that use other CCPAS services for top-quality materials on the issue of child protection, reports The Good News.

CCPAS has also issued two more publications on child protection, the version of the CCPA’s popular Workers Pocket Guide, and the new Internet Pocket Guide for Children and Young People, which has already received numerous bulk orders from schools and police forces.

|QUOTE|CCPAS executive director David Pearson said: "We are delighted with the positive response we have had to our child protection courses and resources and we are confident that Safeguarding Children will be just as successful."

"Child protection is vital for any organisation working with children and young people - not just churches or faith-based groups.

"This new manual will help ensure that all children and young people, wherever they may be within society, are safeguarded - and that those working with them will be supported in the vital work they undertake."

The manual was produced with advice from the National Council for Voluntary Child Care Organisations, and has been endorsed by Baroness Howarth, former chief executive of Childline.