Charity Commission in contact with Soul Survivor about safeguarding concerns

An investigation is currently being carried out into Soul Survivor founder Mike Pilavachi.

The Charity Commission has asked the Soul Survivor church for "additional information" about safeguarding concerns. 

Premier Christian News reports that the charity watchdog made the request after receiving a safeguarding serious incident report from the Watford-based church. 

The church announced earlier this month that an investigation was being conducted by the Church of England into "non-recent safeguarding concerns" relating to its founder, Mike Pilavachi. 

Pilavachi has stepped back from all ministry while the investigation is carried out.

A statement from the church trustees, released jointly with the Diocese of St Albans and Church of England National Safeguarding Team, said that it was not a criminal investigation or clergy disciplinary matter, and that Pilavachi has not been suspended. 

Acting chair of the trustees, David Mitchell, said in a separate statement that the concerns "currently relate to matters which occurred a considerable time ago".

He has asked for prayers while the investigation is being carried out.

Anyone with safeguarding concerns relating to events in this report can contact Jeremy Hirst at the Diocesan Safeguarding Team at or Ian Bowles or Anthony Clarke at the National Safeguarding Team at