Charlie Sheen HIV update: Doctor claims to have cured actor with arthritic goat's milk

Charlie Sheen's supposed doctor has claimed that he completely cured the actor's HIV using milk extracted from arthritic goats.

Sheen previously announced that he would stop taking his prescribed HIV medicines to undergo an alternative procedure in Mexico that would allegedly remove the virus completely.

The controversial alternative treatment used by the HIV-positive Golden Globe awardee was administered by Australian doctor Samir Chachoua, who is currently practicing in Mexico.

Now the doctor is busy speaking to various media organizations to say that Sheen's HIV is already cured because of his treatment.

"The minute he (Sheen) started my therapy, his liver went to normal levels. I saw a very sad person in a very sad place and I really wanted to give him a boost. There was real hope out there, there was a way of curing him. And I did that. It was spontaneous," Dr. Chachoua told host Bill Maher in an interview on "Real Time With Bill Maher."

The alternative medicine doctor claimed that he used CAEV virus, which can be found in the milk of arthritic goats, to remove the fatal HIV.

"This virus destroys HIV and protects people who drink it for life," he revealed to Maher. The doctor also told Maher that the actor was "the first adult in history to go HIV negative." However, Chachoua did not reveal any evidence that will prove that his claims are valid.

Chachoua told the host that he injected himself with Sheen's blood to show the world that the actor is no longer afflicted with the virus after taking his alternative treatment.

But the actor recently said in an interview with Dr. Mehmet Oz that his HIV numbers increased for the first time, which means that the goat's milk treatment administered by Chachoua did not help him at all.

"I had been non-detectable, non-detectable and checking the blood every week and then found out the numbers are back up," the actor told Dr. Oz.

The actor's physician Dr. Robert Huizenga already condemned the treatments that Sheen received from Chachoua, who has no license to practice in the U.S.

Meanwhile, Sheen seemed to diss the alternative medicine doctor in a recent Twitter post, saying that he only spent one day with Chachoua in Mexico.