'Chasing Life' season 2 spoilers: Shocking event leaves April reeling in episode 8 'The Ghost in You'

April isolates herself from the world in the upcoming episode of "Chasing Life."Facebook/ABC Family

April's (Italia Ricci) life is in shambles after the sudden death of her husband Leo (Scott Michael Foster) in the upcoming episode of ABC Family's drama series "Chasing Life."

In "The Ghost in You," TV Guide reports that the widow will be left reeling following the loss of someone very dear to her. It is certainly not long since she and Leo had been married and planning a life together. Now, she is left to face her cancer-stricken life alone, which is enough to make anyone undergo such deep depression.

Viewers were shocked to realize that Leo indeed died in the last episode. All along, it looked like the newly married man was just sleeping. It was not until April tried to wake him up and he would not that the shocking truth sunk in. Leo was dead and April was left a widow days after their happy wedding.

The International Business Times has predicted his death long before the episode aired. The website based its argument on the plot synopsis of episodes 8 and 9 released by the ABC Family. According to the teasers, April would be using her new financial security to "feel good again" after experiencing a traumatic event in her life.

Leo's death would be indeed considered shocking, and since he was financially stable, the website took this as a sign that April would be using his money for her own benefit now that he was dead. The IB Times also took into account Scott Michael Foster's special guest star status for the series and his upcoming show in ABC, "Blood and Oil."

Showrunner Patrick Sean Smith, however, gave fans a chance for closure as he posted a cryptic message on Twitter that Leo could return for the new episode. He said that "As Long as We Both Shall Live" was by no means the end of the series and that fans must keep on watching.

TV Line posits that Leo could surface as a vision for April or in a flashback. In the synopsis, it was mentioned that a surprise from Leo would get her to "emerge from her isolation." Could it be that her husband left her a video that would encourage her to get on with her life?

"Chasing Life" airs Monday at 9 p.m. EST on ABC Family.