CHASTE hits home Anti-Trafficking Message with 'Not for Sale' Release

Counter-trafficking charity Churches Alert To Sex Trafficking across Europe (CHASTE) has commissioned new book 'Not for Sale'.

Not for Sale is sending out the message that "trafficking for sexual exploitation is an extension of the abuse present in all forms of national prostitution", according to CHASTE.

It continued: "To call prostitution 'the oldest profession' is risible. This notion and many other myths are exploded by the real perspective shown through this anthology: that sexual exploitation is one of the oldest forms of violence against women - and that it is condoned by society and promoted through commerce."

The editorial team for the publication included Dr Carrie Pemberton, a recognised expert in the field of trafficking and the Chair of the national research forum for the United Kingdom Human Trafficking Centre.

The anthology is divided up into sections spanning the nature of trafficking and sexual exploitation, case studies, reflections on the abuse of power, the challenge of gendered and sexual relationships, the market place driving demand and the mandate of safety for survivors.

"This cross-over book drives home a message for our times, using a courageous range of literary and communication styles; from the tough revelations of an 'exited' prostituted woman, to prayers composed to recognise the hurt, degradation and deceit of this awful world of abuse. This book never ceases to surprise and provoke," said CHASTE.

The publication marks, according to Myra Blyth, Chairperson of the Churches Commission on Racial Justice, "the critical moment we have reached in the history of human rights. It is compelling in its message and is to be commended as essential reading for faith communities and for the wider public."

CHASTE hopes the book will serve as a resource for individuals, organisations, cell groups, book clubs, and politicians of all parties, of all faiths and of none.

Baroness Neuberger called the book one "which should influence debate and get the voluntary sector - and the statutory agencies - really sitting up and taking notice", whilst former Minister for Women, Meg Munn MP, applauded the initiative of CHASTE's newest publication, asking in her foreword "how can it be right for anyone to buy sex? Isn't it time we made it illegal?"

Oxford Professor of Divinity, Marilyn McCord Adams, notes that, "with vivid concreteness,
this book confronts us with the horrors of sexual slavery. It should be required Lenten reading for all Christians."

'Not for Sale' gives an insight into the contemporary reality of the 4,000 women trafficked into the UK each year to "work" in the sex markets of all the UK's major cities, as well as the estimated 900,000 women and children trafficked annually for sex across the globe.

Chief Constable Tim Brain lead for prostitution and vice with the Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO) said the book was "a rare glimpse into the all too often untold stories of trafficking victims which impresses the importance of tackling this insidious crime upon the reader".

"'Not for Sale: Raising Awareness and Ending Exploitation' will be referred to constantly in the coming months and years for its insight, range, humanity and emotional unveiling of the sad, nasty world of contemporary sexual exploitation - and what could, what can be done," said CHASTE