Chicago Bulls 2015 news: Derrick Rose and Jimmy Butler need to work together

Jimmy ButlerReuters

Individually, they are both proven NBA stars. But being on the same team, they may have to adjust a bit and try to work together.

That perhaps best sums up the highly publicized tension on whether the Chicago Bulls are Jimmy Butler's or Derrick Rose's team. The best answer to that is it is Chicago's team and the Bulls are more than just Butler and Rose.

Just a couple of days ago, tension reportedly was up again when Butler took exception to Rose's work ethics. Not soon after, Butler says that reports are getting the wrong idea.

Perhaps and maybe so, but the fact remains that Rose has been there long enough and based on recent years has proven to be valuable to the Bulls. Although he may be quiet most of the time, Rose does his thing through actions and not words.

Butler could do the same and simply focus on his game. While he did receive that lucrative contract, he is a man among men. Everyone on the team knows his role, and apparently, they don't have to be told to fulfill their roles, including former Most Valuable Player (MVP) Rose.

Derrick RoseReuters

Both have been together for four seasons, and by now, Butler should know how Rose ticks. Gaining a high paycheck doesn't necessarily mean you are top dog all of a sudden since the Bulls are still a team.

Hence, both may want to compliment rather than criticize each other. Rambling will not do the team any good. And apparently Butler knows it as he said during media day:

"I can't do it all by myself. [Rose] can't either. If we work together as a team, we just want one goal, and that's to win a championship. Everybody would be a winner then, not one person more than another. I don't think it's any one person's team. It's everybody's team."

Well said and hopefully, he finds the answer to his rants in that. Both are expected to be closely monitored heading into the season. The question is on how will they and the Bulls handle the situation.