Chicago Bulls NBA news: No feud between Derrick Rose and Jimmy Butler

Jimmy ButlerReuters

Jimmy Butler and Derrick Rose are not in a feud of any sort and there is no tension between the two, according to Happy Walters, Butler's agent.

Walters clarified that persistent rumors of tension between Rose and Butler were not true. "This isn't like Kobe and Shaq, where the guys don't like each other. Derrick has always been really cool with Jimmy and embraced him when he got there. When Derrick was hurt, Jimmy was there to help. Derrick came back and he helped Jimmy when he was hurt. Derrick's best friend was the point guard for Jimmy's junior-college team. There are a lot of connections," Walters told the Chicago Tribune.

Apparently the reported rift began during the Bulls last playoff run where the team lost to the Cleveland Cavaliers.

Derrick RoseReuters

Rose and Butler seemed to have had a slight misunderstanding during that pivotal game six, which the Bulls lost. It was believed that a feud ensued thereafter though Walters explained that it was something that shouldn't be blown out of proportion.

Butler stepped in for Rose when the former Most Valuable Player fell to injury. Butler blossomed in Rose's absence and when the All Star guard returned, there were questions on how the two would be able to gel.

And after that celebrated issue, trade rumors flew for both players. Butler was being linked to multiple teams and had initially sought a short-term deal. But after being offered a maximum contract reportedly worth more than what Rose was getting, Butler accepted.

And with that, trade rumors began to focus on Derrick Rose though it seems that all that has died down for now.

With both players carrying maximum contracts, the Bulls may eventually part with one since they will be way over the salary cap and be unable to add more quality players to their roster.

On how the Rose-Butler relationship holds out should be seen in the coming season. Is there really a "beef" there?